Saturday, July 30, 2005

I was reading this book... which is called "Where Rainbows End" by Cecilia Ahern. It's about these 2 children, who grew up together... and when they were quite old they realised that they truly loved each other... anyway, it's more complicated than this simple summary... but anyway, this is my 2nd time reading it, and I still love it so much!

Then there was this part where Alex, the main male character wrote a letter to Katie, Rosie(main female character)'s daughter... and he told Rosie, " take care of your mother for me... she is very special"

I cried...

I was thinking when will there be a time, where my friends can truly tell my children, "Take care of your mum for me... she is very special"

I was thinking... will I ever have the chance to make impact in ppls life, so much so that they will tell my children... "She is really special"... Will I even ever have the chance to have a really really good guy friend in my life, who will be so special to me... And that our bond even exists further than bgr... that I know I can depend on him...

But I feel... there's never gonna really be just friends in guys and girls is there??? I don't think so... Not with close friends... in the end, someone just falls in love with the other...

Keep a distance from guys...

Maybe I truly should...

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