Sunday, January 07, 2007

This really touched me~!

Was reading through someone's journal. And what she said really touched my heart and I made a note of it in my QT...

Jamie Yeo -

I wish my world was smaller. It's too big at the moment...places I've never been and will never go. Guess it's ok though. Could be worse. Life's actually quite sweet and all credit goes to God. He knows I'm only human after all. I complain, sulk, purse my lips...but He just smiles, ruffles my hair and takes me into His lovin' arms. I mutter about dreams unfulfilled, places I've never been to, things I haven't done, food I've never tasted... He just keeps on holding me tight, forgiving me the whole time...and lavishing His grace on little ol' me. I'm His lil girl. For the rest of my imperfect life. And I'm lovin' it.

Once again, God has not failed to touch me in ways I'd never think about. This time through blogging.

What do you think?

This has again reminded me of God's sweet love. The love of my father, our father; I'm reminded once again that when I sulk, or complain or get frustrated with ministry, God just smiles, ruffles my hair and continues to love me. I know he'd hug me if he could do it physically. When I complain, there he is telling me, "dear girl, it's alright, daddy's here". When I cry, I know He cries with me. But he doesn't show it, because He has to be strong for me. When I am upset, he cradles me in His arms, and He continues to love me unconditionally, regardless of the mistakes made. I am forever whole in his eyes, perfect, white as snow; even though to the world my life may be a piece of white cloth spotted with ink. Dirty, and not worth even a penny. Indeed, words cannot express this feeling whenever our Daddy in heaven takes me into His arms, love me, kiss me goodnight. Whenever I wake up to mornings brought by Him, I cannot explain how blessed and loved I am. He is the only one who can bring me peace in times of turmoil; hope in times of hurt. Whenever my world crashes, He is there to hold it up. Whenever I am dry, He fills my cup.

*sighs contented* I am one lucky girl...

John 3:16
For God so loved the world He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Dear friends, commit your troubles to God and continue to be blessed every second of every day~!

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