Saturday, September 02, 2006



Surprised to see your name? Went visit your blog... and all I want to say is...


Proud of the fact that U are starting to do something which U've got passion in... to make a difference...

When we were still ditsy little girls, U liking Winnie the Pooh (Not saying U dun like it anymore) and me liking... LZW??? hahaha I'd never ever imagine U'd do something like that... To really stand up and do something for the youths in Singapore...

Once again, I'm proud of you... :) Really really proud...

Can still remember the day we first met... Hahaha... 3MD 2001... Gosh... On like the early morning of January... we were still unsure teenagers not knowing our next step... Not knowing where or how to go about... I was antisocial, U were loud... I guess we'd never have thought we'd become such great friends...

4MD 2002... We laughed together, cried together... Sang together, hung out together... Can only remember the happy memories, the times I used to hang out at your place... doing projects etc etc. 4MD 2002... Times where we spoke deeply into each other's heart... 4MD 2002... where we spent times talking abt relationships... Me and ZX... u and ahem... haha... :) Graduation day... The day where we had our powerpoint presentation... Mr Lee hugging a tree... Madam Lee... Mrs Lim... Mr Quek... mr Han... Mr Chua... Ms Wong...

2003... Remember the day we got our O level results??? Remember how we cried bucket loads cuz we didn't do as well as we ought to have??? Remember the time when Val passed away??? U accompanied me to the memorial hall... Although U totally can't stand all these morbid places... who can??? I remember the heated discussion we had about how U thought I should go to her funeral, and for me... I didn't want to say "bye" 2003... the time I left for Perth... where U sent me off... where I was fighting hard to not cry...

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Francis, Yongjie, Han Xing, Qiao Jie, U, Jeannie, Me, Felicia, Sabby, Sheena, Xuande

2004... Guess we've both grown up in our own way... Remember how we were so against rebonding of hair at that time???? :) Still keep the cards U send me... they have special importance to me... :)


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Rebonded hair... Picture speaks a thousand words... :) I miss us... really really really... Where U started to embark on ur journey of making a difference... In society 2005... where U came to Perth... another chapter of your life... where we went around... by train, by foot etc... :) the nights we fell asleep while talking in your room... seriously... U're the bomb man... how can anyone fall asleep while talking halfway????

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Where we found out major um... secrets of our close friend... where we learn to love despite all those secrets... Where our friendship's strengthened... even though we don't see each other so often... even tho we don't talk on e phone... where we know that we're still there for each other... no matter what...

Girl... I'm proud, so proud of all your achievements... truly... am blessed... by you... love ya heaps...

1 comment:

♥~kimmy~♥ said...

cool blog.. keep it up..