Sunday, January 01, 2006

U tell me la...


Yes... and by that... I'm NOT using my sicnature colour... why???

JUST TO SHOW MY ANGER... at that... what-cha-ma-call-it... GUY??? Nah I don't think so... teensy weensy bopper...

Yes... and the basis of your breakup?? Huiyi... because his mum says so??? Thank God you guys aren't together anymore... cuz I think I'll personally strangle him with both my bare hands... and not bother even if the cops come for me... because because...

I am simply so mad and annoyed at the XY gender right now...

no sorry... just at that ONE person...

Come on man... DOES HE EVEN HAVE BRAINS???

Common courtesy... I wouldn't allow that to happen would I??? I wouldn't tear up what my ex bf gave me can... especially since he made it for me... hahah girl... I suggest U go kick him in his behind (if he even has one) and just get back that cd that U spent ages lining up for him k...

He's not worth it..

Ah forget it... he's not even worth my wrath...

BUT why do I feel so irritated by this... can U even call him person... cuz I can't detect a trace of a brain around him... maybe he does have one... just at the wrong spot??? He ought to go for a check up... cuz I think... uni might not suit him...

Come on man... where has his upbringing brought him to??? Where's that word "gentleman" gone to??? And come on... if U leaving her because of another girl... Don't give some lame ass excuse that "sorry... mum dun allow me to date" U only dragging your mum into hot soup... Puhleeze... do U even have... um... *whisper* balls ??? Sorry for my usage of language guys... but... HOW ON EARTH DO U FIND IT EASY TO COMPREHEND WHEN SOMEONE WANTS TO BREAKUP BECAUSE HIS MUM SAY SO... and less than what 3 months later is again together with someone else??? SOMEONE WHOM U HAVE BEEN DENYING... SAYING NO STRINGS ATTACHED WHEN IT'S OBVIOS THERE'S SOMETHING GOING ON??? And don't think U can hurt someone and just step over her heart like that without... I dunno...

oh I'm just annoyed... at that ***hole

and I thought U were a gentleman...

*looks sheepish*

Sorry guys... wrong judge of character...

I just needed to rave

I'm ok now

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