Saturday, July 14, 2007

Do not put your hope in man, but instead put your trust in God... cuz man will disappoint you, but God will never...

Kexin's nickname on MSN: I have been learning

haha... I have to learn too...

First year here... A good guy friend of mine suddenly ignored me... Weird... we were talking on the phone, talking at school everyday... and suddenly ignored me... It passed... Time passed... I grew up... I cried...

4th year here... A good guy friend of mine, smsed me everyday... And one day he just stopped... He didn't stop caring, he just stopped sms-ing me... I cried...

5th year here... A good guy friend of mine stopped sms-ing me too~ He stopped caring? Maybe he did...

Maybe should learn how to stop being such good friends with guys...

It is time to grow up...

Remembering the bible verse in my heart... Maybe it is time I harden my heart...

1 comment:

Adeline said...

Hi sweetheart.

It's not about not trusting people, but putting your foundation upon God's word first. I hate being betrayed but it doesn't mean we should lose faith in human nature.

It just means we need to accept they aren't perfect, we can be hurt, but at the end of the day we don't crumble because we lift our eyes to God and we see there He's still in charge and He's the same yesterday, today and forever.

Continue to trust and love people around you, because that's part of what makes you special.

love. =)