Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Guys... if U don't like a girl...
1) Give her the false impression that U like her... Even if you are the kind that's super nice and sweet... KEEP YOUR DISTANCE
2) Message her stuff that may seem trivial to you... like "Hey haven't messaged you today, it feels weird" BECAUSE girls and guys work differently... what may seem really trivial to you may seem really sweet to her
3) Ever comment that she's beautiful...
4) Get too close to her...
5) Play with her mind... eg. get really close to her, not physically but emotionally... and in 2 seconds, just a snap of the finger and start to stay away... and get really close again... and stay away again...

DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT... get too close to a girl... BECAUSE... She'll grow tired... and she'll learn to dislike you... and hate that feeling...

Girls, if you don't like a guy...
1) Turn him down at first sign when you think something's wrong
2) Don't get too close to him... even physically... U might think hitting's just part of ur life... but to him it might mean the world when U hit him even playfully...
3) Get the message clear across to him everyday if U want to remain as friends BUT U don't want it to progress too far...
4) Let him know from the start where U are looking at going...
5) NOT to, I repeat, NOT to be too nice to him...

That's from me~!!!! How to avoid breaking a heart 101 lol...

Guess if U want to avoid getting your heart broken... keep away from becoming too close to that particular person... and that involves sharing your personal life and details...

Love ya all~!!!!!!


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