Thursday, November 02, 2006

I'm a Sanguine/Phlegmatic as given by

Melancholy Strength:2 Weakness:7 23%
Phlegmatic Strength:5 Weakness:4 23%
Sanguine Strength:10 Weakness:4 35%
Choleric Strength:3 Weakness:5 20%

Weird, cuz I always thought I'm a sanguine/melancholic.

Sanguine (Strengths)

The Extrovert | The Talker | The Optimist
The Sanguine's Emotions

* Appealing personality
* Talkative, Storyteller
* Life of the Party
* Good sense of humor
* Memory for color
* Physically holds on to listener
* Emotional and demonstrative
* Enthusiastic and expressive
* Cheerful and bubbling over
* Curious
* Good on stage
* Wide-eyed and innocent
* Lives in the present
* Changeable disposition
* Sincere at heart
* Always a child

The Sanguine As A Parent

* Makes Home Fun
* Is liked by children's friends
* Turns disaster into humor
* Is the circus master

The Sanguine At Work

* Volunteers for Jobs
* thinks up new activities
* Looks great on the Surface
* Creative and colorful
* Has energy and enthusiasm
* Starts in a flashy way
* Inspires others to join
* charms others to work

The Sanguine As a Friend

* Makes friends easily
* Loves People
* Thrives on compliments
* Seems exciting
* envied by others
* Doesn't hold grudges
* apologizes quickly
* Prevents dull moments
* Likes spontaneous activities

Sanguine (Weakness)

The Extrovert | The Talker | The Optimist
The Sanguine's Emotions

* Compulsive talker
* Exaggerates and elaborates
* Dwells on trivia
* Can't remember names
* Scares others off
* Too happy for some
* Has restless energy
* Egotistical
* Blusters and complains
* Naive, gets taken in
* Has loud voice and laugh
* Controlled by circumstances
* Gets angry easily
* Seems phony to some
* Never Grows Up

The Sanguine As A Parent

* Keeps home in a frenzy
* Forgets children's appointments
* disorganized
* Doesn't listen to the whole story

The Sanguine At Work

* Would rather talk
* forgets obligations
* Doesn't follow through
* Confidence fades fast
* Undisciplined
* Priorities out of order
* Decides by feelings
* Easily distracted
* Wastes time talking

The Sanguine As a Friend

* Hates to be alone
* Needs to be center stage
* Wants to be popular
* Looks for credit
* dominates conversations
* Interrupts and doesn't listen
* answers for others
* Fickle and forgetful
* Makes excuses
* Repeats stories

Gosh... Just go do the test and tell me what U think of the definitions... Am I a sanguine to U????

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