Thursday, September 27, 2007


Let's break up.

It's over.

I never want to see you again.

It was a mistake from the start.

Good bye.

She slams the door, he walks away.

Tears roll down her cheeks, he slams the car door and hits the steering wheel.

Hearts with anguish.

With a sweep of her hand, she sweeps everything that's on the table onto the floor.

With a heart of brokenness she burns up his photos, and tears up all the love letters he gave to her.

She deletes his number

He deletes her number

She takes out her drinks.

He goes to a bar.

She calls up her friends.

He calls up his mates.

She goes her way.

He goes his way.

That's life nowadays. Just a thought, because that's what we see in movies, in life. A lady I know argued with her husband and the first thing that came to mind - That's it. I cannot be with you. Let's break up. Why plan a wedding so hard, and then decide to break up? Why jump into a relationship when you know that in the end you are still going to break up?

What's marriage to you? What's marriage to the world?

I really don't know what it has become.

Indeed, like Pastor Joyce said, the world's become disposable.

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