Monday, October 16, 2006

I get so annoyed by people...

OK so I just dun understand their thinking... Kimberly just told me that this guy (dancer of a kr band) just got poisoned, cuz apparently this girl who didn't like his method of dancing put super glue in a drink and gave it to him...

I mean... If U don't like someone's method of dancing... THEN TOO BAD~! Live with it~! What's the point of poisoning someone, endangering someone's life just because U don't like his/her dancing? Hello? Deep behind he might be a really nice person U never know~!

Once again, I'm just so disgusted by silly people...

U know? Mr Men and Lil Miss got new books~! haha... I was soooo happy when I went to the shopping centre... cuz I could read all of them... sigh... they are just so cute la... and they make me happy :P

oh well...

1 comment:

♥~kimmy~♥ said...

wuah.. never know that u got so pissed off with it.. even though u dunno bout them..

but towards the end of ur blog.. kinda abit not related.. haha..